Our international partners
Learn more about the non-profits we work with internationally.
Kenskoazell Afrika in West Africa
Kenskoazell’s Educafoot programme uses sport to help children mature and develop. Issues such as gender equality, environmental education, health, maths and French language are all incorporated into sports activities.
This three-year programme hopes to reach 35,000 children in their early teens in the suburbs of Dakar, using sport to mould Senegal’s future citizens.
Hands on Health in Australia
Founded in 1998, Hands on Health uses healthcare and training programmes to facilitate the social and cultural integration of aboriginal communities. Its flagship project—developed with our backing—is a sport and wellness centre combined with a health clinic serving aboriginal women and girls in Melbourne. The centre’s work is made possible by a collaboration between Yarra Trams and Keolis Downer, our subsidiary’s Australian arm.
Julemærkehjemmene in Denmark
This non-profit hosts marginalized Danish children for 10-week sessions at one of five specially designed homes, where they receive schooling to improve their physical, mental and social health.
Lead Public Schools America in the US
The Nothing Wasted project, led by public and charter school children in Tennessee, is working to create a culture of recycling at their schools, while also equipping students with the skills they need for the future. We are sponsoring an initiative in Nashville that will educate 2,800 students about the importance of reducing waste, pairing environmental education with lessons on social inclusion.